/** * Modify JSON representation string in Javascript object * @param string Json_string String that we will format in Javascript object **/ function js_support_json_format(Json_string) { var Json_string = JSON.stringify(Json_string); //Convert a value to JSON String, optionally replacing values if a replacer function is specified, or optionally including only the specified properties if a replacer array is specified var Json = JSON.parse(trim(Json_string)); //Convert to JSON var Object = eval("(function(){return " + Json + ";})()"); //Convert a JSON into an object return Object; //Return Javascript object } /** * Display loading message * @param string tabs The id of tab that we will display loading message */ function js_support_loading_msg(tabs) { var loading_html = '
'; //Loading message document.getElementById(tabs).innerHTML = loading_html; //display loading message in tab } /** Find out the difference between two time values * @param string StartTime Value of Start Time * @param string EndTime Value of End Time */ function js_support_time_diff(StartTime, EndTime) { StartTime = StartTime.split(":"); //Split Start time EndTime = EndTime.split(":"); //Split End Time var Startmin = StartTime[1] * 60; //Convert start minutes to second var Endtmin = EndTime[1]*60; //Convert end minutes to seconds var diff = ((Endtmin+EndTime[2]) - (Startmin+StartTime[2])) * 1000; //Find out the differentation return parseInt(diff); //Divide the demical part } /** * Enable or disable input field * @param id id of input that we want to enable or disable */ function js_support_control_input(id) { $(document).ready(function(){ //Check if button is disable if ($(id + '_ctrl').hasClass("green")) { //Set disable attribute to false $(id).prop("disabled", false); //Enable Disable button $(id + '_ctrl').attr('class', 'btn red'); $(id + '_ctrl').html('Disable'); } else { //Check if button is enable $(id).prop("disabled", true); //Disable enable button $(id + '_ctrl').attr('class', 'btn green'); $(id + '_ctrl').html('Enable') } }); } /** Control width of a div for responsive reason * @param string id the id of div that we want to change the width * @param string width the value of width that we want to set */ function js_support_control_width(id, width) { //Set the width of responsive width document.getElementById(id).style.width = width + "px"; var html = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML; $(document).ready(function(){ $("div") .find(".midd_img") .css({ "width": width }) }); } /** Enable tab menu using javascript (Activate selected li and tab container) * @param string TabContainerID ID of tab that container that contains all tab * @param string TabActivateID */ function js_support_enable_tab_menu(TabContainerID, TabActivateID) { //enable the selected tab container $(TabContainerID + " div.tab-pane").each(function () { // Remove active class from all tab $(this).removeClass('active'); //Enable the selected if ($(this).is('#' + TabActivateID)) { $(this).addClass('active'); } }); // Enable the selected li menu $(TabContainerID + " ul li").each(function () { $(this).removeClass('active'); }); //Set Tab ContainerID $(TabContainerID + ' li:has(a[href="#' + TabActivateID + '"])').addClass('active'); } /** Execute script (usually is used after an ajax success return ) * @param element object $container The $container interface represents an object of a Document */ function js_support_exec_script($container) { //Get scripts tags from a node var $scripts = $container.querySelectorAll('script') var runList = [] var typeAttr [].forEach.call($scripts, function ($script) { typeAttr = $script.getAttribute('type') // only run script tags without the type attribute // or with a javascript mime attribute value if (!typeAttr || runScriptTypes.indexOf(typeAttr) !== -1) { runList.push(function (callback) { insertScript($script, callback) }) } }) //Insert the script tags sequentially //To preserve execution order seq(runList, scriptsDone) }