/* * jQuery FlexSlider v2.5.0 * Copyright 2012 WooThemes * Contributing Author: Tyler Smith */!function ($) { $.flexslider = function (e, t) { var a = $(e); a.vars = $.extend({}, $.flexslider.defaults, t); var n = a.vars.namespace, i = window.navigator && window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.MSGesture, s = ("ontouchstart" in window || i || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) && a.vars.touch, r = "click touchend MSPointerUp keyup", o = "", l, c = "vertical" === a.vars.direction, d = a.vars.reverse, u = a.vars.itemWidth > 0, v = "fade" === a.vars.animation, p = "" !== a.vars.asNavFor, m = {}, f = !0; $.data(e, "flexslider", a), m = { init: function () { a.animating = !1, a.currentSlide = parseInt(a.vars.startAt ? a.vars.startAt : 0, 10), isNaN(a.currentSlide) && (a.currentSlide = 0), a.animatingTo = a.currentSlide, a.atEnd = 0 === a.currentSlide || a.currentSlide === a.last, a.containerSelector = a.vars.selector.substr(0, a.vars.selector.search(" ")), a.slides = $(a.vars.selector, a), a.container = $(a.containerSelector, a), a.count = a.slides.length, a.syncExists = $(a.vars.sync).length > 0, "slide" === a.vars.animation && (a.vars.animation = "swing"), a.prop = c ? "top" : "marginLeft", a.args = {}, a.manualPause = !1, a.stopped = !1, a.started = !1, a.startTimeout = null, a.transitions = !a.vars.video && !v && a.vars.useCSS && function () { var e = document.createElement("div"), t = ["perspectiveProperty", "WebkitPerspective", "MozPerspective", "OPerspective", "msPerspective"]; for (var n in t) if (void 0 !== e.style[t[n]]) return a.pfx = t[n].replace("Perspective", "").toLowerCase(), a.prop = "-" + a.pfx + "-transform", !0; return !1 }(), a.ensureAnimationEnd = "", "" !== a.vars.controlsContainer && (a.controlsContainer = $(a.vars.controlsContainer).length > 0 && $(a.vars.controlsContainer)), "" !== a.vars.manualControls && (a.manualControls = $(a.vars.manualControls).length > 0 && $(a.vars.manualControls)), "" !== a.vars.customDirectionNav && (a.customDirectionNav = 2 === $(a.vars.customDirectionNav).length && $(a.vars.customDirectionNav)), a.vars.randomize && (a.slides.sort(function () { return Math.round(Math.random()) - .5 }), a.container.empty().append(a.slides)), a.doMath(), a.setup("init"), a.vars.controlNav && m.controlNav.setup(), a.vars.directionNav && m.directionNav.setup(), a.vars.keyboard && (1 === $(a.containerSelector).length || a.vars.multipleKeyboard) && $(document).bind("keyup", function (e) { var t = e.keyCode; if (!a.animating && (39 === t || 37 === t)) { var n = 39 === t ? a.getTarget("next") : 37 === t ? a.getTarget("prev") : !1; a.flexAnimate(n, a.vars.pauseOnAction) } }), a.vars.mousewheel && a.bind("mousewheel", function (e, t, n, i) { e.preventDefault(); var s = a.getTarget(0 > t ? "next" : "prev"); a.flexAnimate(s, a.vars.pauseOnAction) }), a.vars.pausePlay && m.pausePlay.setup(), a.vars.slideshow && a.vars.pauseInvisible && m.pauseInvisible.init(), a.vars.slideshow && (a.vars.pauseOnHover && a.hover(function () { a.manualPlay || a.manualPause || a.pause() }, function () { a.manualPause || a.manualPlay || a.stopped || a.play() }), a.vars.pauseInvisible && m.pauseInvisible.isHidden() || (a.vars.initDelay > 0 ? a.startTimeout = setTimeout(a.play, a.vars.initDelay) : a.play())), p && m.asNav.setup(), s && a.vars.touch && m.touch(), (!v || v && a.vars.smoothHeight) && $(window).bind("resize orientationchange focus", m.resize), a.find("img").attr("draggable", "false"), setTimeout(function () { a.vars.start(a) }, 200) }, asNav: { setup: function () { a.asNav = !0, a.animatingTo = Math.floor(a.currentSlide / a.move), a.currentItem = a.currentSlide, a.slides.removeClass(n + "active-slide").eq(a.currentItem).addClass(n + "active-slide"), i ? (e._slider = a, a.slides.each(function () { var e = this; e._gesture = new MSGesture, e._gesture.target = e, e.addEventListener("MSPointerDown", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.currentTarget._gesture && e.currentTarget._gesture.addPointer(e.pointerId) }, !1), e.addEventListener("MSGestureTap", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var t = $(this), n = t.index(); $(a.vars.asNavFor).data("flexslider").animating || t.hasClass("active") || (a.direction = a.currentItem < n ? "next" : "prev", a.flexAnimate(n, a.vars.pauseOnAction, !1, !0, !0)) }) })) : a.slides.on(r, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var t = $(this), i = t.index(), s = t.offset().left - $(a).scrollLeft(); 0 >= s && t.hasClass(n + "active-slide") ? a.flexAnimate(a.getTarget("prev"), !0) : $(a.vars.asNavFor).data("flexslider").animating || t.hasClass(n + "active-slide") || (a.direction = a.currentItem < i ? "next" : "prev", a.flexAnimate(i, a.vars.pauseOnAction, !1, !0, !0)) }) } }, controlNav: { setup: function () { a.manualControls ? m.controlNav.setupManual() : m.controlNav.setupPaging() }, setupPaging: function () { var e = "thumbnails" === a.vars.controlNav ? "control-thumbs" : "control-paging", t = 1, i, s; if (a.controlNavScaffold = $('
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  1. " + i + "
  2. "), t++ } a.controlsContainer ? $(a.controlsContainer).append(a.controlNavScaffold) : a.append(a.controlNavScaffold), m.controlNav.set(), m.controlNav.active(), a.controlNavScaffold.delegate("a, img", r, function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), "" === o || o === e.type) { var t = $(this), i = a.controlNav.index(t); t.hasClass(n + "active") || (a.direction = i > a.currentSlide ? "next" : "prev", a.flexAnimate(i, a.vars.pauseOnAction)) } "" === o && (o = e.type), m.setToClearWatchedEvent() }) }, setupManual: function () { a.controlNav = a.manualControls, m.controlNav.active(), a.controlNav.bind(r, function (e) { if (e.preventDefault(), "" === o || o === e.type) { var t = $(this), i = a.controlNav.index(t); t.hasClass(n + "active") || (a.direction = i > a.currentSlide ? "next" : "prev", a.flexAnimate(i, a.vars.pauseOnAction)) } "" === o && (o = e.type), m.setToClearWatchedEvent() }) }, set: function () { var e = "thumbnails" === a.vars.controlNav ? "img" : "a"; a.controlNav = $("." + n + "control-nav li " + e, a.controlsContainer ? a.controlsContainer : a) }, active: function () { a.controlNav.removeClass(n + "active").eq(a.animatingTo).addClass(n + "active") }, update: function (e, t) { a.pagingCount > 1 && "add" === e ? a.controlNavScaffold.append($("
  3. " + a.count + "
  4. ")) : 1 === a.pagingCount ? a.controlNavScaffold.find("li").remove() : a.controlNav.eq(t).closest("li").remove(), m.controlNav.set(), a.pagingCount > 1 && a.pagingCount !== a.controlNav.length ? a.update(t, e) : m.controlNav.active() } }, directionNav: { setup: function () { var e = $('"); a.customDirectionNav ? a.directionNav = a.customDirectionNav : a.controlsContainer ? ($(a.controlsContainer).append(e), a.directionNav = $("." + n + "direction-nav li a", a.controlsContainer)) : (a.append(e), a.directionNav = $("." + n + "direction-nav li a", a)), m.directionNav.update(), a.directionNav.bind(r, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var t; ("" === o || o === e.type) && (t = a.getTarget($(this).hasClass(n + "next") ? "next" : "prev"), a.flexAnimate(t, a.vars.pauseOnAction)), "" === o && (o = e.type), m.setToClearWatchedEvent() }) }, update: function () { var e = n + "disabled"; 1 === a.pagingCount ? a.directionNav.addClass(e).attr("tabindex", "-1") : a.vars.animationLoop ? a.directionNav.removeClass(e).removeAttr("tabindex") : 0 === a.animatingTo ? a.directionNav.removeClass(e).filter("." + n + "prev").addClass(e).attr("tabindex", "-1") : a.animatingTo === a.last ? a.directionNav.removeClass(e).filter("." + n + "next").addClass(e).attr("tabindex", "-1") : a.directionNav.removeClass(e).removeAttr("tabindex") } }, pausePlay: { setup: function () { var e = $('
    '); a.controlsContainer ? (a.controlsContainer.append(e), a.pausePlay = $("." + n + "pauseplay a", a.controlsContainer)) : (a.append(e), a.pausePlay = $("." + n + "pauseplay a", a)), m.pausePlay.update(a.vars.slideshow ? n + "pause" : n + "play"), a.pausePlay.bind(r, function (e) { e.preventDefault(), ("" === o || o === e.type) && ($(this).hasClass(n + "pause") ? (a.manualPause = !0, a.manualPlay = !1, a.pause()) : (a.manualPause = !1, a.manualPlay = !0, a.play())), "" === o && (o = e.type), m.setToClearWatchedEvent() }) }, update: function (e) { "play" === e ? a.pausePlay.removeClass(n + "pause").addClass(n + "play").html(a.vars.playText) : a.pausePlay.removeClass(n + "play").addClass(n + "pause").html(a.vars.pauseText) } }, touch: function () { function t(t) { t.stopPropagation(), a.animating ? t.preventDefault() : (a.pause(), e._gesture.addPointer(t.pointerId), w = 0, p = c ? a.h : a.w, f = Number(new Date), l = u && d && a.animatingTo === a.last ? 0 : u && d ? a.limit - (a.itemW + a.vars.itemMargin) * a.move * a.animatingTo : u && a.currentSlide === a.last ? a.limit : u ? (a.itemW + a.vars.itemMargin) * a.move * a.currentSlide : d ? (a.last - a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset) * p : (a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset) * p) } function n(t) { t.stopPropagation(); var a = t.target._slider; if (a) { var n = -t.translationX, i = -t.translationY; return w += c ? i : n, m = w, y = c ? Math.abs(w) < Math.abs(-n) : Math.abs(w) < Math.abs(-i), t.detail === t.MSGESTURE_FLAG_INERTIA ? void setImmediate(function () { e._gesture.stop() }) : void ((!y || Number(new Date) - f > 500) && (t.preventDefault(), !v && a.transitions && (a.vars.animationLoop || (m = w / (0 === a.currentSlide && 0 > w || a.currentSlide === a.last && w > 0 ? Math.abs(w) / p + 2 : 1)), a.setProps(l + m, "setTouch")))) } } function s(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var t = e.target._slider; if (t) { if (t.animatingTo === t.currentSlide && !y && null !== m) { var a = d ? -m : m, n = t.getTarget(a > 0 ? "next" : "prev"); t.canAdvance(n) && (Number(new Date) - f < 550 && Math.abs(a) > 50 || Math.abs(a) > p / 2) ? t.flexAnimate(n, t.vars.pauseOnAction) : v || t.flexAnimate(t.currentSlide, t.vars.pauseOnAction, !0) } r = null, o = null, m = null, l = null, w = 0 } } var r, o, l, p, m, f, g, h, S, y = !1, x = 0, b = 0, w = 0; i ? (e.style.msTouchAction = "none", e._gesture = new MSGesture, e._gesture.target = e, e.addEventListener("MSPointerDown", t, !1), e._slider = a, e.addEventListener("MSGestureChange", n, !1), e.addEventListener("MSGestureEnd", s, !1)) : (g = function (t) { a.animating ? t.preventDefault() : (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled || 1 === t.touches.length) && (a.pause(), p = c ? a.h : a.w, f = Number(new Date), x = t.touches[0].pageX, b = t.touches[0].pageY, l = u && d && a.animatingTo === a.last ? 0 : u && d ? a.limit - (a.itemW + a.vars.itemMargin) * a.move * a.animatingTo : u && a.currentSlide === a.last ? a.limit : u ? (a.itemW + a.vars.itemMargin) * a.move * a.currentSlide : d ? (a.last - a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset) * p : (a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset) * p, r = c ? b : x, o = c ? x : b, e.addEventListener("touchmove", h, !1), e.addEventListener("touchend", S, !1)) }, h = function (e) { x = e.touches[0].pageX, b = e.touches[0].pageY, m = c ? r - b : r - x, y = c ? Math.abs(m) < Math.abs(x - o) : Math.abs(m) < Math.abs(b - o); var t = 500; (!y || Number(new Date) - f > t) && (e.preventDefault(), !v && a.transitions && (a.vars.animationLoop || (m /= 0 === a.currentSlide && 0 > m || a.currentSlide === a.last && m > 0 ? Math.abs(m) / p + 2 : 1), a.setProps(l + m, "setTouch"))) }, S = function (t) { if (e.removeEventListener("touchmove", h, !1), a.animatingTo === a.currentSlide && !y && null !== m) { var n = d ? -m : m, i = a.getTarget(n > 0 ? "next" : "prev"); a.canAdvance(i) && (Number(new Date) - f < 550 && Math.abs(n) > 50 || Math.abs(n) > p / 2) ? a.flexAnimate(i, a.vars.pauseOnAction) : v || a.flexAnimate(a.currentSlide, a.vars.pauseOnAction, !0) } e.removeEventListener("touchend", S, !1), r = null, o = null, m = null, l = null }, e.addEventListener("touchstart", g, !1)) }, resize: function () { !a.animating && a.is(":visible") && (u || a.doMath(), v ? m.smoothHeight() : u ? (a.slides.width(a.computedW), a.update(a.pagingCount), a.setProps()) : c ? (a.viewport.height(a.h), a.setProps(a.h, "setTotal")) : (a.vars.smoothHeight && m.smoothHeight(), a.newSlides.width(a.computedW), a.setProps(a.computedW, "setTotal"))) }, smoothHeight: function (e) { if (!c || v) { var t = v ? a : a.viewport; e ? t.animate({ height: a.slides.eq(a.animatingTo).height() }, e) : t.height(a.slides.eq(a.animatingTo).height()) } }, sync: function (e) { var t = $(a.vars.sync).data("flexslider"), n = a.animatingTo; switch (e) { case "animate": t.flexAnimate(n, a.vars.pauseOnAction, !1, !0); break; case "play": t.playing || t.asNav || t.play(); break; case "pause": t.pause() } }, uniqueID: function (e) { return e.filter("[id]").add(e.find("[id]")).each(function () { var e = $(this); e.attr("id", e.attr("id") + "_clone") }), e }, pauseInvisible: { visProp: null, init: function () { var e = m.pauseInvisible.getHiddenProp(); if (e) { var t = e.replace(/[H|h]idden/, "") + "visibilitychange"; document.addEventListener(t, function () { m.pauseInvisible.isHidden() ? a.startTimeout ? clearTimeout(a.startTimeout) : a.pause() : a.started ? a.play() : a.vars.initDelay > 0 ? setTimeout(a.play, a.vars.initDelay) : a.play() }) } }, isHidden: function () { var e = m.pauseInvisible.getHiddenProp(); return e ? document[e] : !1 }, getHiddenProp: function () { var e = ["webkit", "moz", "ms", "o"]; if ("hidden" in document) return "hidden"; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) if (e[t] + "Hidden" in document) return e[t] + "Hidden"; return null } }, setToClearWatchedEvent: function () { clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(function () { o = "" }, 3e3) } }, a.flexAnimate = function (e, t, i, r, o) { if (a.vars.animationLoop || e === a.currentSlide || (a.direction = e > a.currentSlide ? "next" : "prev"), p && 1 === a.pagingCount && (a.direction = a.currentItem < e ? "next" : "prev"), !a.animating && (a.canAdvance(e, o) || i) && a.is(":visible")) { if (p && r) { var l = $(a.vars.asNavFor).data("flexslider"); if (a.atEnd = 0 === e || e === a.count - 1, l.flexAnimate(e, !0, !1, !0, o), a.direction = a.currentItem < e ? "next" : "prev", l.direction = a.direction, Math.ceil((e + 1) / a.visible) - 1 === a.currentSlide || 0 === e) return a.currentItem = e, a.slides.removeClass(n + "active-slide").eq(e).addClass(n + "active-slide"), !1; a.currentItem = e, a.slides.removeClass(n + "active-slide").eq(e).addClass(n + "active-slide"), e = Math.floor(e / a.visible) } if (a.animating = !0, a.animatingTo = e, t && a.pause(), a.vars.before(a), a.syncExists && !o && m.sync("animate"), a.vars.controlNav && m.controlNav.active(), u || a.slides.removeClass(n + "active-slide").eq(e).addClass(n + "active-slide"), a.atEnd = 0 === e || e === a.last, a.vars.directionNav && m.directionNav.update(), e === a.last && (a.vars.end(a), a.vars.animationLoop || a.pause()), v) s ? (a.slides.eq(a.currentSlide).css({ opacity: 0, zIndex: 1 }), a.slides.eq(e).css({ opacity: 1, zIndex: 2 }), a.wrapup(f)) : (a.slides.eq(a.currentSlide).css({ zIndex: 1 }).animate({ opacity: 0 }, a.vars.animationSpeed, a.vars.easing), a.slides.eq(e).css({ zIndex: 2 }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, a.vars.animationSpeed, a.vars.easing, a.wrapup)); else { var f = c ? a.slides.filter(":first").height() : a.computedW, g, h, S; u ? (g = a.vars.itemMargin, S = (a.itemW + g) * a.move * a.animatingTo, h = S > a.limit && 1 !== a.visible ? a.limit : S) : h = 0 === a.currentSlide && e === a.count - 1 && a.vars.animationLoop && "next" !== a.direction ? d ? (a.count + a.cloneOffset) * f : 0 : a.currentSlide === a.last && 0 === e && a.vars.animationLoop && "prev" !== a.direction ? d ? 0 : (a.count + 1) * f : d ? (a.count - 1 - e + a.cloneOffset) * f : (e + a.cloneOffset) * f, a.setProps(h, "", a.vars.animationSpeed), a.transitions ? (a.vars.animationLoop && a.atEnd || (a.animating = !1, a.currentSlide = a.animatingTo), a.container.unbind("webkitTransitionEnd transitionend"), a.container.bind("webkitTransitionEnd transitionend", function () { clearTimeout(a.ensureAnimationEnd), a.wrapup(f) }), clearTimeout(a.ensureAnimationEnd), a.ensureAnimationEnd = setTimeout(function () { a.wrapup(f) }, a.vars.animationSpeed + 100)) : a.container.animate(a.args, a.vars.animationSpeed, a.vars.easing, function () { a.wrapup(f) }) } a.vars.smoothHeight && m.smoothHeight(a.vars.animationSpeed) } }, a.wrapup = function (e) { v || u || (0 === a.currentSlide && a.animatingTo === a.last && a.vars.animationLoop ? a.setProps(e, "jumpEnd") : a.currentSlide === a.last && 0 === a.animatingTo && a.vars.animationLoop && a.setProps(e, "jumpStart")), a.animating = !1, a.currentSlide = a.animatingTo, a.vars.after(a) }, a.animateSlides = function () { !a.animating && f && a.flexAnimate(a.getTarget("next")) }, a.pause = function () { clearInterval(a.animatedSlides), a.animatedSlides = null, a.playing = !1, a.vars.pausePlay && m.pausePlay.update("play"), a.syncExists && m.sync("pause") }, a.play = function () { a.playing && clearInterval(a.animatedSlides), a.animatedSlides = a.animatedSlides || setInterval(a.animateSlides, a.vars.slideshowSpeed), a.started = a.playing = !0, a.vars.pausePlay && m.pausePlay.update("pause"), a.syncExists && m.sync("play") }, a.stop = function () { a.pause(), a.stopped = !0 }, a.canAdvance = function (e, t) { var n = p ? a.pagingCount - 1 : a.last; return t ? !0 : p && a.currentItem === a.count - 1 && 0 === e && "prev" === a.direction ? !0 : p && 0 === a.currentItem && e === a.pagingCount - 1 && "next" !== a.direction ? !1 : e !== a.currentSlide || p ? a.vars.animationLoop ? !0 : a.atEnd && 0 === a.currentSlide && e === n && "next" !== a.direction ? !1 : a.atEnd && a.currentSlide === n && 0 === e && "next" === a.direction ? !1 : !0 : !1 }, a.getTarget = function (e) { return a.direction = e, "next" === e ? a.currentSlide === a.last ? 0 : a.currentSlide + 1 : 0 === a.currentSlide ? a.last : a.currentSlide - 1 }, a.setProps = function (e, t, n) { var i = function () { var n = e ? e : (a.itemW + a.vars.itemMargin) * a.move * a.animatingTo, i = function () { if (u) return "setTouch" === t ? e : d && a.animatingTo === a.last ? 0 : d ? a.limit - (a.itemW + a.vars.itemMargin) * a.move * a.animatingTo : a.animatingTo === a.last ? a.limit : n; switch (t) { case "setTotal": return d ? (a.count - 1 - a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset) * e : (a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset) * e; case "setTouch": return d ? e : e; case "jumpEnd": return d ? e : a.count * e; case "jumpStart": return d ? a.count * e : e; default: return e } }(); return -1 * i + "px" }(); a.transitions && (i = c ? "translate3d(0," + i + ",0)" : "translate3d(" + i + ",0,0)", n = void 0 !== n ? n / 1e3 + "s" : "0s", a.container.css("-" + a.pfx + "-transition-duration", n), a.container.css("transition-duration", n)), a.args[a.prop] = i, (a.transitions || void 0 === n) && a.container.css(a.args), a.container.css("transform", i) }, a.setup = function (e) { if (v) a.slides.css({ width: "100%", "float": "left", marginRight: "-100%", position: "relative" }), "init" === e && (s ? a.slides.css({ opacity: 0, display: "block", webkitTransition: "opacity " + a.vars.animationSpeed / 1e3 + "s ease", zIndex: 1 }).eq(a.currentSlide).css({ opacity: 1, zIndex: 2 }) : 0 == a.vars.fadeFirstSlide ? a.slides.css({ opacity: 0, display: "block", zIndex: 1 }).eq(a.currentSlide).css({ zIndex: 2 }).css({ opacity: 1 }) : a.slides.css({ opacity: 0, display: "block", zIndex: 1 }).eq(a.currentSlide).css({ zIndex: 2 }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, a.vars.animationSpeed, a.vars.easing)), a.vars.smoothHeight && m.smoothHeight(); else { var t, i; "init" === e && (a.viewport = $('
    ').css({ overflow: "hidden", position: "relative" }).appendTo(a).append(a.container), a.cloneCount = 0, a.cloneOffset = 0, d && (i = $.makeArray(a.slides).reverse(), a.slides = $(i), a.container.empty().append(a.slides))), a.vars.animationLoop && !u && (a.cloneCount = 2, a.cloneOffset = 1, "init" !== e && a.container.find(".clone").remove(), a.container.append(m.uniqueID(a.slides.first().clone().addClass("clone")).attr("aria-hidden", "true")).prepend(m.uniqueID(a.slides.last().clone().addClass("clone")).attr("aria-hidden", "true"))), a.newSlides = $(a.vars.selector, a), t = d ? a.count - 1 - a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset : a.currentSlide + a.cloneOffset, c && !u ? (a.container.height(200 * (a.count + a.cloneCount) + "%").css("position", "absolute").width("100%"), setTimeout(function () { a.newSlides.css({ display: "block" }), a.doMath(), a.viewport.height(a.h), a.setProps(t * a.h, "init") }, "init" === e ? 100 : 0)) : (a.container.width(200 * (a.count + a.cloneCount) + "%"), a.setProps(t * a.computedW, "init"), setTimeout(function () { a.doMath(), a.newSlides.css({ width: a.computedW, "float": "left", display: "block" }), a.vars.smoothHeight && m.smoothHeight() }, "init" === e ? 100 : 0)) } u || a.slides.removeClass(n + "active-slide").eq(a.currentSlide).addClass(n + "active-slide"), a.vars.init(a) }, a.doMath = function () { var e = a.slides.first(), t = a.vars.itemMargin, n = a.vars.minItems, i = a.vars.maxItems; a.w = void 0 === a.viewport ? a.width() : a.viewport.width(), a.h = e.height(), a.boxPadding = e.outerWidth() - e.width(), u ? 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